Beyond Glory: People Behind the Performance

People Behind the Performance
With the Tokyo Olympics coming up, and the Paralympic Games to follow a month later, the excitement is in full swing as final preparations get underway for the various sports. People from across Canada will unite to support athletes who have worked tirelessly and who have shared their positivism to the world through their resilience and determination.
Let’s take advantage of this unifying moment to get to know better our athletes. INS Québec is launching its campaign entitled “Beyond Glory: People Behind the Performance” which features 12 profiles of Olympic and Paralympic athletes as well as experts from INS Québec who will be at the Games this summer. The campaign will be presented as an interview and will be divided into three sequences from July 3rd to September 5th, 2021:
→ Throwback Memories
→ My First Time at the Games
→ The Experts Behind the Performance
Learn more about the champions who train here in Quebec supported by experts from INS Québec and discover their dreams and stories that have shaped and brought them to this moment. You will also discover the experts behind the performance who put all their efforts to allow athletes to obtain every thousandth of a second that makes the difference, every millimetre that gets them closer to their personal best and every little detail that helps propel them to greatness.
For all the details, visit the campaign page.